M-am uitat pe site-ul http://www.galaxytv21.tripod.com/ , e minunat. Chiar sunt prezentate diverse oportunitati, evenimente si mai ales, contacte directe cu diferite categorii de oameni, care au diverse profesii, ocupatii, propuneri de afaceri, intr-un cuvant ATRACTIV !!!
implicarea dvs.
Cu respect,
Office SMURD
Cu respect/Kind regards,
Director Executiv / Executive Director
Dear Carmen,
Thank you for your new link regarding Galaxy TV. I read the entire presentation.
(I didn't know that you had so many collaborations with television stations but this means you have a lot of experience in the field).
I liked everything, especially the care with which you chose the chapters of the "content". I hope that it has an echo and success in this world that can still hopefully be saved from its evolution towards "nonafectivity" by those who feel the same as you do.
(Dr. Maria Viorica Petrescu-Jipa, Koln, Germany)
From: Mircea V. Oltean Subject: [Credinta_si_Lumina] galaxy tv To: "grup C si L" Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 11:42 AM@yahoogroups.com>
Va invit sa vizionati cateva materiale pe acest nou post de televiziune
http://galaxytv21. tripod.com.
Ar fi de urmarit in special 2 materiale de la actiuni la care am
participat si noi:
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=bf5ivrduOwg& feature=channel
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=TZPwV7tf3a0.
Dear Carmen,
Thanks a lot for your various "captures" of the major events in Cluj in this beginning of spring.
I liked the interview with Prof. Nicolescu about his book on America, which also seemed very sober and comprehensive and also the talk with one of the foreign voluntary organizations (NGOs perhaps?), on projects in Romania.
(Congratulations for "your" English language).
I found interesting your shots from the Cluj Fashion Week and those on ecological subjects.
(Dr. Maria Viorica Petrescu-Jipa, Koln, Germany)
Va tin pumnii si multumim de efort, Radu Mititean Clubul de Cicloturism NAPOCA
Mesajul domnului Emil Hurezeanu, Presedintele Trustului de Presa Realitatea-Catavencu, primit in dat ade 28 aprilie, dupa conferinta domnului Adam Michnik
Mesajul domnului Indrei Ratiu, Vicepresedintele Fundatiei Familiei Ratiu
Mesajul Domnului Jaroslaw Godun, Directorul Institutului Polonez din Bucuresti
"Aceasta televiziune de avangarda este un plus pentru cultura clujeana, pentru ca si televiziunea - nu-i asa? - reprezinta un act de cultura./"This avangardist television is a plus for the Cluj culture because television too is an act of culture, is it not?"
(dr. Codruta Istrate, Presedinte Partidul Verde, Filiala Cluj)
te pup, diana!
Carmen m-am uitat putin peste televiziunea ta si consider ca esti facuta pentru presa. M-as bucura enorm sa colaborezi cu mine . Deoarece esti si pshiolog consider ca pot tine sfat si de sfaturile tale in ceea ce priveste presa sau subiecte de articiole de aceea doresc ca colaborarea noastra sa fie cat mai placuta. Iti multumesc ca m-ai contactat, si sper ca vom tine legatura, ulterior sa ne intalnim si sa facem lucruri uimitoare impreuna! (Elena Kovacs, Manager RealPress.ro, Campia Turzii)