Oportunitate pentru scriitori de a face parte din Biblioteca Online Master Libris
Buna ziua
Va scriu pentru a va da o veste extraordinara.
Chiar in aceste zile, la Cluj, se pun bazele a ceea ce va fi cea mai mare biblioteca digitala a tuturor timpurilor.
Insa cu o inovatie: cartile dvs. Vor putea fi citite online, fara insa a putea fi descarcate sau copiate in vreun fel.
Aceasta biblioteca se adreseaza scriitorilor de pretutindeni.
Daca sunteti interesat/a de aceasta oportunitate, va stam cu drag la dispozitie pentru detalii.
In asteptarea raspunsului dvs.,
Va dorim o zi fantastica si suucces maxim in tot ceea ce faceti.
Cu stima,
Carmen Moraru,
Get ready for the next episode of Coaching Live, because we start in 1 hour from now.
You're going to see the new trailer and get lots of great tips from world-class coaches to grow your business.
Make sure to write down the webcast date and time, or set a reminder on your calendar, so you don't miss the event.
Here are the webcast details again:
Link to click in 1 hour from now: http://CoachingMovie.com/live
Date: Tuesday, January 19th
Time: 10:27am Pacific, 1:27pm Eastern, 6:27pm UK, 7:27pm Central Europe
See you at the webcast!
Kind regards,
Surprise! Free live streaming coaching session
I'm sending you this email while I'm preparing - right now - for the first coaching session of Mark Thompson - the Coach of Steve Jobs and Richard Branson, and partner to Charles Schwab. It will be an amazing day!
Would you like to see an extract from our afternoon session with Mark by live streaming? It's free!
The sneak peek starts on Sept 28 at 1pm PST, 4pm EST, 10pm UK, 11pm Central Europe: https://galaxytv21.tripod.com/
Next Episode is on:
Don't miss the fourth Episode of COACHING MOVIE LIVE webcast!
You can watch it here: https://galaxytv21.tripod.com/
Date: Sunday, September 27th
Time: 10:27am Pacific, 1:27pm Eastern, 6:27pm UK, 7:27pm Central Europe
See you at the webcast!
Kind regards,
Friday, September 18th at 10:27am Pacific, 1:27pm Eastern, 6:27pm UK, 7:27pm Central Europe
see you there
Some of the guests on the show will be Carol Look (Executive Producer of the film) and Mark Thompson (Coach of Richard Branson and Steve Jobs).
Coaching Live starts on Saturday, August 29th at 10:27am Pacific, 1:27pmEastern, 6:27pm UK, 7:27pm Central Europe
You will be able to watch the show here: http://galaxytv21.tripod.com
Kind regards,
Watch the Coaching Live online TV show on my website
On Saturday, August 1st, the 'Coaching Live' online TV show will air their first episode. Want to see the benefits of coaching in full action? Would you like to see how world-class coaches change lives?
Coaching Live starts on Saturday, August 1st, at 10:27am Pacific, 1:27pm Eastern, 6:27pm UK, 7:27pm Central Europe.
You will be able to watch the show here: http://galaxytv21.tripod.com
I'm looking forward to see you there!
Kind regards,
I am delighted by the Laser Accupressure class that I took on January 13 2016 with dr. Shimon Paul Friedlander from the Neijing Chinese Center for Medicine in Jerusalem. I, myself, am an alternative therapist (Reiki, Theta Healing) and a graduate in Psychology.
I have also looked for answers into the Chinese healing traditions, as solutions to promote and to preserve health (Taiji Quan, Qiqong).
I am more familiar with Chakras than I am with Meridians at this very moment, but that can be improved.
I am fascinated by technology and by what it can do in order to keep us healthy. I have recently purchased a Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer which I have included in one of my research studies. The Accupuncture Laser Device will definately be the next.
It is a fascinating technology that, when combined with the ancient Chinese art and knowledge of healing, can make miracles happen.
I am a Reiki practitioner. In reiki, the therapist lays his or her hands on the patient's body and beams light in order to generate healing. This is – in some way – similar to what the laser accupuncture device does.
I am thrilled by this technology and I will definately pursue it.
Thank you, dr. Friedlander! Xie-xie!
Doresc sa iti cunostinta cu Patryk Wezowski, Producatorul primului Documentar de Coaching la nivel mondial. Este vorba despre un film de lung metraj care va fi prezentat la festivaluri de film, online si in cinematografe.
Documentarul sau anterior referitor la management-ul stress-ului a castigat Premiul 1 la Festivalul de Film GSFF si Premiul pentru Cel mai bun documentar la Festivalul Golden Doors.
Coaching Movie prezinta oameni precum: Jack Canfield, Mark Thompson, Marci Shimoff, John Gray, John Demartini, Brad Sugars, Marshall Goldsmith, dar si multi alti lideri si experti in domeniu.
Filmul este regizat de producatori de film premiati si pana acum s-au strans peste $500.000 pentru inceperea filmarilor, care va debuta in luna septembrie a anului 2015.
Poti gasi toate informatiile referitoare la acest film pe: http://coachingmovie.com
Patryk doreste sa programeze o convorbire cu tine pentru a explora modul in care puteti colabora la acest film.
Datele de contact ale lui Patryk sunt:
+1 (310) 402-2536
Toate cele bune
Carmen Moraru
ICN Journalist
PS Iata aici si planul de afaceri:
I would like to introduce you to Patryk Wezowski, the Producer of the world's first Coaching Documentary. It's a full feature film that will be released on film festivals, online and theater screenings.
His previous documentary about dealing with stress won the 1st prize at the GSFF Film Festival and "Best Documentary" at the Golden Doors Festival.
Coaching Movie will feature Jack Canfield, Mark Thompson, Marci Shimoff, John Gray, John Demartini, Marshall Goldsmith and many other leaders and experts.
The film is directed by award-winning film makers and they raised over $500,000 to start filming in September 2015.
The mission is to inspire 1.000.000 people that they have to power to transform their life through coaching.
You can find all information about this movie on: http://coachingmovie.com
Patryk would love to schedule a call with you and explore how to collaborate on this movie.
You can reach Patryk on:
+1 (310) 402-2536
All the best!
Carmen Moraru
ICN Journalist
PS Here is the business plan as well: http://coachingmovie.com/businessplan.pdf
Vineri, 7 noiembrie 2014 a avut loc cea mai tare Gala de Arte Martiale in Cusca din Romania – Ultimate Fighting Tournament 2014. In fata unui public de peste 1500 de persoane sportivii au facut un show extraordinar.
Meciurile de Karate, Kickbox si MMA au incantat publicul numeros, care a avut parte de meciuri profesioniste de cel mai inalt nivel. Au fost KO-uri, TKO-uri, finalizari spectaculoase realizate de sportivi bine pregatiti pentru o competitie de cel mai inalt nivel.
Cele mai importante meciuri au fost:
MainEventul de Kickbox, unde Flavius Boiciuc de la Pretorienii Deva a castigat in fata lui Dorin Stan de la Centrul de Arte Martiale Tengu Cluj Napoca dupa 4 reprize, la puncte.
Parerea Promotorului Haidu Sebastian-Ioan este ca a fost unul dintre cele mai frumoase si echilibrate meciuri care se putea termina egal deoarece ambii sportivi au avut puncte forte si au aratat ca sunt la cel mai inalt nivel! De aceea Haidu Sebastian propune sportivilor revansa lui Dorin in fata lui Flavius, pentru ca lucrurile sa poata fi transate in ceea ce va fi ‘un meci pe viata si pe moarte!’
MainEventul meciurilor de MMA a fost la fel de spectaculos, Maris Ciprian sportivul clubului MMA Transilvania a castigat in fata lui Virgil Munteanu de la Fight Academy Pitesti dupa un meci plin de emotii si lovituri spectaculoase! Maris Ciprian castiga astfel 2 meciuri foarte grele in decursul a 5 zile, ambele in fata unor sportivi foarte experimentati! Maris Ciprian confirma ca este la ora actuala cel mai bine pregatit sportiv la categoria -65 de kg. Munteanu a cerut expres Promotorului revansa in fata lui Maris Ciprian in urmatoarele evenimente UFT!
Gala UFT 2014 a fost cel mai spectaculos eveniment de Arte Martiale in Cusca, fiind Gala unde publicul a putu uramari cei mai buni sportivi de Kickbox si MMA din Romania!
Multumim Sponsorului Principal EBS an NTT Data Company, Fabrica de Poker si Monaco Club. Multumim Cluburilor participante si Sportivilor pentru prestatia impecabila!
Puteti viziona meciurile pe www.facebook.com/uft.ro sau pe pagina oficiala a promotiei: www.uft.ro .
Documentarul Pașaport de Germania va fi proiectat în cadrul Festivalului Temps d’Images de la Cluj. Evenimentul va avea loc miercuri, 12 noiembrie, de la ora 20:30, la Cinema Victoria în prezența regizorului Răzvan Georgescu și a producătorului Alexandru Solomon.
După premiera națională din cadrul Festivalului Astra Film 2014, documentarul Pașaport de Germania spune povestea celui mai amplu negoț de oameni din Europa secolului XX: vânzarea sistematică a populației germane din Republica Socialistă România către Republica Federală Germania. Documentarul se axează pe istoriile personale ale celor afectați în mod direct, dar și pe mărturiile